I may be being too difficult, but I wonder about this less-thsn-aware-
doctor's reaction to a LLL pamphlet as opposed to a simple review (ala JHL)
of the current research on jaundice.  The doctors I work with have very
little respect for me, an almost LC (exam next July, god willing), and little
resect for the Nursing Mother's Council, the organization I work with.  I
think they would put LLL in the same catagory.  And to recommend a book -
forget it!  They would never go and get it, let alone read it.  I still wish
for a brochure/pamphlet for each major issue with M.D.s, IBCLCs from a major
org or journal (ILCA or JHL).  In this fantasy I would just mail it off to
them after helping their patient and next time we'd be a little closer!

Sharon Terry