There was discussion back in August about bottle babies going to the
breast.  Here in Germany is a BF fanatic who sets an ex.  for all, but for
most she is just a fanatic.  She bf her first 2 adopted babies with the help
of the the NS.  The closeness is what she values most.  Then along came the
3rd child - a 10 mo.  old foster child with all sorts of disturbances.  In 2
months this child was also at the breast.  The mother felt this necessary to
help him overcome his trauma.  Her report has been published in our LC

    Thanks for listening!

Anne C.Kaeser BA, IBCLC           e-mail:  [log in to unmask]
Ulmenstr.4                        phone:   +49 8191 65617
D-86916 Kaufering                 (Germany)