Katherine Dettwyler sent me this information to forward to all of you.

Funny coincidence  -- I was just  reading something last night by Roger Short
and contemplating posting it to LactNet.  You can forward it if you like.
 It's in his article "Human Reproduction in an Evolutionary Context," in
Human Reproductive Ecology:
Interactions of Environment, Fertility, and Behavior, edited by Kenneth L.
Campbell and James W. Wood, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences,
Volume 709, 1994, pp. 416-425.

On page 422, he writes:

"The benefits of breastfeeding for the baby are so great that it is a wonder
in this litigious age that all bottlefed babies do not sue their mothers,
and the powdered milk companies for denial of their natural birthright."

All this while the fellow at the Washington Post refers to the
pro-breastfeeding lobby as the "Breastfeeding Mafia" (and he claims to be
the *pro-bf* guy at the Post!).

Hey, while you're at it (posting this to LactNet), ask them if anyone has an
e-mail address for Roger Short they could send on to me.  Thanks.

Katherine A. Dettwyler, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Anthropology
Texas A&M University
e-mail to [log in to unmask]
(409) 845-5256
(409) 778-4513