This was passed on to me.

From Kathy Dettwyler,

Hi Kathleen -- thought you might want to pass this on to the list -- I've
been having a fairly civil e-mail conversation with Rick Weiss at the
Washington Post about the article he wrote about K. Dewey's research on the
growth of breastfed vs. bottle-fed infants.  Tell Sandy Arnold thanks for
sending me the article and sending me Rick's name and e-mail address.  He
*says* that Washington Post will run a clarification on what the World
Health Organization infant feeding recommendations are -- that is, no
formula ever recommended, and breastfeeding recommended to continue up to
two years and beyond.  All those in Washington be on the lookout for this
clarification, and let's see if Rick keeps his word.  He claims to be the
sole pro-bf person at the Wash Post, says the others claim their bottle-fed
kids are fine and that the pro-bf people constitute a "Breastfeeding Mafia."
This would be amusing if it weren't so pitiful.....
Kathleen B. Bruce, BSN, IBCLC, LLL Leader (7 yrs),
Co-Owner Lactnet,  E-Mail = [log in to unmask]
The fifth commandment is "humor thy father and mother"