Lactnetters and Laura,
I think we are all clearer about your position re meeting needs.
It's harder first few weeks getting to know a baby, and breastfeeding should
get offered alot in the early months.  Later, baby may want to go outside, be
bored or whatever, but of course, like you said, if nothing works, then
breastfeed.  I love being able to offer the breast when baby/toddler falls
down/conks head and just a quick cuddle nursing and all is OK.
Sometimes when my toddler is cranky and tired, but will not take a meal/snack
(solids) or nap, then a nursing gives her an energy boost and change in
disposition - amazing difference - I think she really was hungry but does not
want to stop her activity and eat - seems like symptoms of hypoglycemia go
away with that quick nursing.

Re co-sleeping:  I find that husbands often don't want the baby/child in the
bed and then some method needs to be found to keep them in his own bed or get
him out of parental bed (family bed).  I love the kids there and would gladly
let them decide when to move out - but hubby is not as enthusiastic about
this.  We do have family bed - but, as I said - hubby would rather we didn't.
Both my kids are light sleepers, don't nap much, go to bed late and get up
early.  I know other kids who slept thru night very early - with no prodding
by the parents .  I really feel that each child has a very distinct
temperament.  My feeling is if my kids were easy to put to bed, slept well
(10 hrs uninterrupted would be unheard of for them), etc then I probably
would have kept them in own beds , own room, etc.
Since this was not the case, everyone got more/better sleep in co-sleeping
arrangement. I have a friend whose baby slept easily/long from early on.
 Certainly I don't think baby is missing anything by not being in bed with
mother.  I wouldn't tell her to go wake him and put him in with her.  I also
truly believe that it is not anything I have done to make my kids this way.
 Their temperaments/personalities are just this way.

Lactnet is such a great forum professionally and parenting-wise.
Parenting is the hardest job.

Laurie Wheeler, rnc, mn, ibclc