Anne Williams' scenario of a ped who thought  a little was ok reminded me
that he is a new father and thinks he is helpoing his wife (after all, the
ads for bottles in his med journals suggest that when he bottle-feeds, it's
the closest he is going to get to breastfeeding! - See my frowny face here)

I was wondering if you (Anne) might metnion to him that you are a littel
puzzled about the mother getting more rest when her prolacting levels are
highest at night and thus can easily breastfeed while lying down and get
plenty of rest.
You might suggest he consider helping her more when she really needs it
(ie., when he first gets home and 1st child needs atteniton and baby is
tired of seeing the same old faces and would love a little walk outside or
maybe he could make dinner and let mom lie down with baby a bit?

There are sO many ways Dads can help that do not involve feeding at night.
You might also ask him if he is getting sufficient rest to work effectively
when he is up at night?!  Just a thought.

Def. of LC service: "We are all faced with a series of great opportunities
brilliantly disguised as impossible situations."
Kathleen G. Auerbach,PhD, IBCLC - [log in to unmask]