I'm responding to Catherine Watson Genna's question about whether the mother
could return to full breastfeeding after the removal of a drain.  (I think I
must have missed the original item she is talking about - new mum with
breast cancer.  I don't understand why this mother would still have a
breast, or be still breastfeeding after conservative treatment and not
receiving chemotherapy;  but as I've said I've missed that bit!.)

I've been in contact with a couple of mothers who have had breast abscesses
drained and yes they did leak a lot of milk from the drain, which continued
after the drain was removed, but both mothers (and me!) were amazed at how
quickly the drain site sealed over and healed and both mothers fully
lactated.  Actually one of them never stopped feeding the baby on the
affected side the other one had to as the incision was at the edge of the

Hope this response was appropriate ~:o

Denise Fisher, midwife, IBCLC
Brisbane, Australia.