Hello Everyone:
I have been asked to post this on LACTNET - ....:

B.C. Women's Hospital, the largest maternity Hospital in Canada (8,000 babies a
year) is about to sign a 5 year contract to accept free formula and a large sum
of money from same formula company for the priveledge of advertising their
product .  Let the hospital know where you stand on this important issue.  We
must be heard LOUDLY.   We want them to run OUT of fax paper  :-)   Time is of
the essence.  The board meets again in September to make their decision.  Thank
you for anything you can do.  What follows is a form letter - you can use it or
write your own.       TIA       warmly,   Kim Campbell RN MN(c) IBCLC -
Vancouver, Canada

Address it to:

Lynn Smith, Chairperson
Board of B.C. Women's Hospital
FAX:  604-822-8108

Dear Ms. Smith:

It is our understanding the Board of B.C. Women's Hospital will meet in early
September to decide whether the hospital will sign a contract to accept free
formula and an undisclosed amount of monery or purchase the formula.   A very
small amount of formula would be required to feed the small percentage of
breastfeeding babies who require supplementaion for medical reasons and for the
approximately 15% of babies whose mothers choose to artificially feed.

We urge B.C. Women's to purchase the formula required in compliance with the
World Health Organization Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes, the 1994
World Health Assembly Resolution, the World Health Organization and UNICEF Baby
Friendly Hospital Initiative and the 1990, 1993, and 1995 directives from the
B.C. Ministry of Health.

B.C. Women's Hospital is the largest maternity centre in Canada and is seen as a
role model.  Please protect breastfeeding and support efforts to help women
successfully feed their babies.


Your Name Here   :-)

cc Paul Ramsey, Provincial Health Minister    (FAX:  604-387-3696)

Let me know if you have added your FAX.   Thanks SO MUCH.