Hello Lactnetters!

So glad to have found this mailing list!

My name is Monica and I'm 38 years old and am still breastfeeding my 2 1/2
year old son.  It took my husband and I about 1 1/2 years to conceive and
after being put through all the fertility tests and 3 months of Clomid (which
didn't work) we gave up and got pregnant immediately thereafter
(fortunately).  My pregnancy was completely normal although I did stain a
little during the first trimester.  The delivery was fine, and after a rocky
first month of breastfeeding (mastitis, flat nipples, poor sucking)
everything magically fell into place.  Even with my son nursing full-time, my
periods returned when he was 5 months old and have been regular and
presumably ovulatory (I get mild cramps with my periods and get stretchy
mucus mid cycle).

My husband and I want to conceive again and have been trying for the past few
months with no results, which doesn't surprise me given the long time it took
us to get pregnant the first time around.  My son nurses quite a lot, but I
think it's more for comfort than nourishment since I very rarely feel a
let-down reflex anymore.

My ob-gyn has advised me to stop nursing because he said it might prevent me
from getting pregnant or might cause a miscarriage.  I don't think he's too
keen on toddler nursing.

Is this really true??  I know of so many women who have conceived and nursed
toddlers all the way up through the delivery of the next child (my La Leche
consultant for one).  I just don't feel right weaning my child out of fear of
not conceiving or having a miscarriage.  Nursing is just too important to him
right now.

Please give me some unbiased feedback and encouragement!!

Thanks to all,
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