Thanks to Marilee Woodworth for the kind words.  Wish you could have made it
to the night time talk on weaning -- I felt I did a much better job of that
one.  Maybe because I was too tired by that point to be nervous!  Both of
the talks I gave at LLLI in Chicago form chapters in the book, and McKenna
(along with Nicole Bernshaw) also has a chapter in the book on bf,
co-sleeping, and SIDS.  There is also a chapter by Allan Cunningham, a
commentary by Ruth Lawrence, and the preface is by Ed Newton.  If anyone
still/now wants a flyer about the book, just send me a private e-mail
including your home address.  Even though I handed out flyers to everyone I
saw in Chicago, and left stacks strategically lying around, I still came
home with a bunch.  I also have James McKenna Fan Club buttons (with his
picture) left if anyone wants one.
Katherine A. Dettwyler, Department of Anthropology, Texas A&M University
Really Radical Mother at Home for the Summer