Deena, I liked your statement-to-mothers, and think that it would work
here in Israel: "More is better, but something is definitely better than
nothing." Israelis think long-term BF off-the-wall, and if anyone
actually bf past - oh - 9 mo, they do it almost secretively. Many years
ago, I HEARD of a woman in neighborhood X who BREASTFED for 4 YEARS (but
she was thought to be retarded, so forgiveable........) This sort of
thing...... I have to tread very softly, sorry to say. By the way, when I
told my 16 year old son about net babies nursing until 6 yrs, he looked
at me with consternation and wanted to know HOW a 6 yr old COULD be
nursed. I laughed at my 16 year old hunk, into body building and bulging
with all these scary muscles (and he was such an adorable baby!!), and
said that he spent plenty of time on my lap when he was 6..... Judy K
(still laughing)