Dear Ruth:
    Welcome, Bienvenue, Bienvenida, Welkommen! I could use your husband's
expertise in trying to properly file all the fantastic info that flows via
Lactnet. You'll love it and we'll learn a lot from your experience, I'm

So you're not an RN-IBCLC?  Well, would you believe that my BA degree is in
music, my work $$ experience have been in the field of tourism here in
Yucatan, Mexico, but my heart is with breastfeeding? Wish me luck on the
IBLCE exam this July.

I have decided that there will be hidden wisdom lurking around, if for some
reason I'm not on the list of new IBCLCs next Sept. And I won't feel as if
I had failed, but rather as if I had taken a huge step forward even
*daring* to sit the exam. I didn't even know ILCA or IBLCE existed until
last fall! Imagine!
Rather behind the times, don't you think? But it's never too late to catch up.
And with Lactnet I am learning at an astounding speed...via all the sharing
of experience. What a deal!

Don't mean that I don't feel confident, I do - especially with 16 yrs. of
hands-on experience, but the venue I have worked in is so drastically
different from the U.S. arena. We shall see, we shall see!

Again, welcome!
