Hi1 This is my 1st posting, so bear with me. As I mentioned in my intro I am
a student and even though I was a LLL leader for 6 years I feel I have a lot
to learn.

Attended a birth last week - mom had no drugs during labour, but had c-sec
under a general anesthetic. Birthweight 9lbs and healthy. Latched on well
within 3 hours of delivery, mom said it felt fine (she has nursed before).
24 hours later mom had a white ridge on her nipple and were pink. Day 2
helped with positioning. I told her that if it hurt when he latched that she
should try again until it felt comfortable. Day 5 baby vomitted blood and by
day 6 mom could see crack on nipple. Went to BF clinic - positioning is fine
and latch seems okay at first, but then baby pulls back and the tongue
doesn't cover gum ridge. They wondered if perhaps baby is tongue-tied? Baby
has a vigorous suck but I don't know if they did a suck assesment.

She is currently tube-feeding with tube taped to end of finger. Also doing
some exercises to encourage baby to bring out tongue. She has been told to
resume bfing once her nipples heal.

I'm a bit frustrated since I'm not yet a lactation consultant and we don't
have a LC in Victoria - the Bf clinic is staffed by public health nurses and
although they seem to do a good job, I'm just wondering if this is the right
approach. Is it possible that due to demerol post-op that mother didn't
notice nipple pain? I may be asking really obvious questions, sorry.

Aida Puim