Hi, netters: Just got a call from an LC colleague with whom I, another MD
and a couple of nurses had collaborated on a new breastfeeding pamphlet
to be put out by our hospital.  She met with the hospital's patient
education committee, which proceeded to rewrite the whole thing.  Some of
their objections were minor wording issues, but many of the changes
undermined our whole positive message about breastfeeding.  I'll be
getting more details from her on Friday, when she'll have the revisions
for my review prior to a second meeting next week which I intend to be
present at.  However, I need input on some of the issues she already told
me about.  One objection the committee had was our recommendation that
one of the good ways to prepare for breastfeeding is to meet with
community support groups.  According to them, the hospital should not be
endorsing LLL (although we do not name LLL nor give a phone #).  My
friend pointed out that this is one of the 10 steps, and was asked to
provide research to support the usefulness of community support groups.
If anyone has any good literature on this, it would be much appreciated.
They also objected to our statement under benefits of breastfeeding that
mothers avoid the inconvenience of buying formula and carrying bottles
around, stating that this was too negative.  Any comebacks?  They also
stated that the text was 12th-grade level, recommending it be brought to
4th-grade.  Anyone have any good references for literacy evaluation of
educational literature?  Thanks, Alicia.  [log in to unmask]