Hi everyone. I'd be grateful for a quick answer. I have a mom pII
with a 6 wk old who fusses a lot. Wt gain fine, baby looks grand.
Mom has psoriasis and HER mom has asthma-like symptoms in spring.
Mom says baby has gas and thinks her fussiness (worse in evening)
because of breastmilk. Mom was told by public health nurse that
frequent bfing causes gas. Sigh. In view of family allergic hx,
I advised mother to bf ONLY, as frequently as baby wants (over
100 every day here), and to write down everything she put in her
own mouth, and then watch the baby. I prepared her for possibly
eliminating all dairy. What I am not sure how to handle is the
med that the mother is using for her own psoriasis. Locally, it
is called Alphosyl, and is alcoholic coal tar 5% and allantoin
0.2%. Can this affect baby's behavior via breastmilk? Mom said
that she tried herbal remedies when she was younger, but they
didn't give her relief. Thanks, all. Judy Knopf