Melissa and all the rest of your great gals:

Your stories about 'singing at a nursing home' and the Hard Labor Creek
camp were great....even the joke about lactation consultants retiring to a
nursing home didn't make me groan 'cause I had never heard it! (I WOULD
goan, however, on a 2nd hearing - word to the wise)

TRUE STORY:  When my daughter was about 4, (she quite nursing at 3) we were
sitting in a park, and nearby a mother was feeding her infant with a baby
bottle. Shirin turned to me with her little face filled with a combination
of concern, sadness and outrage....and said, "Look, Mommy, that lady is
making her baby sick with that formula...she's gonna kill her that way."

And now that, at 11 1/2 she is beginning to get her own  "breast-buds", as
we call them...and is using her first little bras, her main concern has
been whether she might have inverted nipples. So far, everything looks
good! Talk about a future LC in the making!




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