Dear Empress of Exuberant Testimony: (that's YOU Martha!)

Don't you dare soak your hedr in hot water....simply go out and buy a
larger sized crown!  You deserve one!

You guys in Ohio are Terrrrrrrrific!  When and if there is ever a similar
legal battle here in Mexico (which Thank God I don't think there will be -
due to the government's wholehearted backing of the Baby Friendly Hospital
Initiative) ....I'll remember you gallant testifiers up there in Ohio.

By the way, next Wed. I've been invited by the only government hosp. in the
city that is not yet UNICEF approved as a give the first hour
*kick-off* class for the 18-hr. course on breastfeeding, etc. that will be
given to the hosp. staff (ALL the staff, even floor moppers...on up).
Since all the technical info. will be imparted by the Dr.'s etc. during the
rest of the 18 hrs. course  I figure my mission is to touch their hearts,
to inspire their spirits, to motivate them and to get them all fired up
about how wonderful boobs are, and what my kids call 'Boob-juice'.
   And they don't mean it derogatorily, either!  They loved the stuff for 3
years each, the little gluttons!

love from the Mexican Milk Maid,
