I seem to be seeing a lot of the opposite with first time moms.  While they
*are* often uncomfortable holding the baby, when it comes to putting the baby
to breast the mother is so timid that she allows the baby to *nibble* on to her
breast which ends up with baby having only nipple in her mouth.  next thing we
know, mom has sore, cracked and sometimes bleeding nipples.  I seem to have to
get them to use more rapid arm motion to get the baby correctly latached on.
This often feels to the mom as though she is being rough with her baby, but she
is always amazed when we get the baby on correctly and there is no pain or

        Yaffa Stark, MA, IBCLC    Los Angeles, Calif., USA
        "We must identify and reduce barriers which keep women
       from beginning or continuing to breastfeed their infants."
       C. Everett Koop, M.D., ScD. Former Surgeon General