All-we have quite a few migrant families who deliver in our area, most of
them Mexican. The Mexicans are lovely people, and try to be compliant and
polite in whatever is asked of them. However, we have only limited success in
getting the moms to BF early. It was explained to me that in their culture,
the yellow color of colostrum makes it undesirable, because yellow , to them,
denotes something purulent. Therefore, they do not give the breast to the
baby until the yellow color is gone (mature milk is in).  Then they
breastfeed. Up until that time, they bottle feed mostly. INterestingly, many
of them continue to breastfeed for a while, since it is culturally acceptable
and deemed good for the baby. Just a little insight. The better educated
hispanic patients will BF early, tho their mothers may not like it!

Denise Mollenkopf, RNC, IBCLC
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