Hi everyone. Was a little surprised at first to see subject of
circumcision raised, but then it seemed natural. My feelings may
seem hypocritical to some, but please bear with me to the end.
When I first heard of female genital mutilation hiding behind the
term "female circumcision", I was horrified and repulsed. Reading
more in the media (which may be slanted on the subject - remember
our own recent bad experience!), I realized it was a cultural
thing and maybe I was being judgmental. After all, it is very
popular now to question male circumcision and typify it as MALE
genital mutilation. Raised as a Conservative-Orthodox Jew, I
personally would not dream of NOT having had my sons circumcised!
This would approximately be equal religion-wise to a devout
Catholic not baptising her baby. I resolved the issue (to my
satisfaction at least) by trying to find a redeeming feature (a
la pornography and the courts) for each procedure. While I have
heard it speculated that circumcised boys have fewer penile
infections than uncircumcised boys, and that Jewish women have
lower incidence of cervical cancer (presumably because mates are
circumcised - but Moslem men are circumcised too and I don't
recall ever reading about cervical CA rates in Arab
women....Anybody know??), I have not heard of nor can I imagine
any HEALTH BENEFIT coming to ANYBODY from female genital
Judy Knopf, BSc, LC
Beer Sheva, Israel
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