MHS:   Source date is:     05-May-95 18:42:00 -0300 EDT

======== Original Message ========
Hello. I'm so frustrated. I have a Mom who I think may have thrush. Her
nipples are a little sore, her breasts very sore. She had antibiotics for a
urinary tract infection. Her pediatric nurse refuses to treat baby, didn't
a culture, prescribed nystantin cream for her, but wants her not to nurse
baby for two days. This is my slow gainer who is slowly improving. This mom
has been working really hard to make it work. She did call her OB who agreed
with me.
======== Fwd by: Judy Canahuat ========
Unsigned frustrated. How does the mom feel about the conflicting medical
advice?  Would she be willing to seek yet a third opinion from a
knowledgeable pediatrician or family physician? Do you have one to
recommend?  Has the mom worked through the care plans for the two days that
baby will not nurse?  Has the mom worked this through with the pediatric
nurse or is she just supposed to give the baby a bottle?  Has she discussed
with her pediatric nurse how she will know that the baby is OK by just not
nursing the baby for two days?  Or is she just supposed to wait and see if
her nipples get sore again?

I worked with a mom years ago whose nipples were sore for a long-time and
the baby never had any visible signs of thrush, but until she finally
convinced her healthcare provider to prescribe for the baby as well as for
her, nothing was cleared up.  She also had to do two courses of medication
by that point.

I don't know if any of these observations are helpful.