Hi everyone!
I am really learning a lot by reading all your messages.  I'm
saving and printing out info & trying to keep it organinzed in an
accordian folder.  I have a question for those of you that rent
large numbers of breast pumps.  Do you rent all of them from one
location or do you have multiple ones?  If multiple locations, how
do you handle the initial monetary deposit?  Is bookkeeping done
by one person at one location?  How were the multiple locations
set up?  Another IBCLC and I have just gone into practice together
working out of our homes, making consult visits to the client's
home.  She has had pumps, rented mostly to working mothers, but
we would like to know how some of you have expanded your pump
base. It's something we have talked about, but are not sure how
to go about doing it.
So I thought I would take advantage of the expertise of others on
the Lactnet to get ideas.

                  |    Pat Buckell BA,IBCLC     |
                  |        Avon Lake, OH        |