>My apologies for not alerting people to this earlier. During my recent trip
>to Cincinnati (last week), three of the participants took the night off and
>went to the downtown mall (a small one). While there, they were approached
>by an interviewer with a large camera and nearly as large boom mike covered
>with "fuzz", according to one of the women.  They were asked about their
>1 said she felt 24-hour discharges were not appropriate and did not help
>breastfeeding mothers and babies
>1 said she felt mothers deserved more support for breastfeeding and that it
>was ok to breastfeed in public without being thought to be breaking some
>obscenity law
>1 said (after several takes) that breastfeeding women deserved more support
>for continuing to do so after returning to work.
>All three were told they would be on the NBC Evening News.  Look for it. In
>my area (Chicago), this is the News show that is aired from 5:30-6PM. These
>little snippet pieces usually come on in the last 5 minutes of the show.
>I would like to take credit for their thoughts--they were, after all, at a
>breastfeeding conference--however, they deserve the credit for making their
>concerns known without notice and should be applauded.  I harbor the hope
>that their views WILL be aired, but you never know. Since it relates to
>breastfeeding, the producers may consider it "inappropriate."
>If one or more of these pieces is shown in your area, could you let the
>rest of the LACTNET family know?
>As usual,                               KGA
>         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>         %%  Kathleen G. Auerbach, PhD, IBCLC    %%
>         %%        Lactation Services            %%
>         %%        Homewood, Illinois            %%
>         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

         %%  Kathleen G. Auerbach, PhD, IBCLC    %%
         %%        Lactation Services            %%
         %%        Homewood, Illinois            %%