On Thu, 16 Mar 1995, Kathleen Bruce wrote:

> The NY TImes on Tuesday had an article by Jane Brody stating that children
> and babies should not sleep with their parents because it increases the risk
> of SIDS.  There were no substantiating facts or studies, but Jane Brody
> carries clout and I was wondering if anyone knows anything about this. THe
> article did site the fact that breastfeeding does dec the incidence of SIDS.

I frequent the misc.kids.health and misc.kids.pregnancy newgroups, and
this hit the network a month or two back. It seems like I also read it
elsewhere. At any rate, this research has come out of New Zealand, and
because of it, the medical community of that country now officially
recommends against sleeping with baby. I haven't seen any articles on
this directly, so I don't know how the research was done and if they
corrected for the many variables that exist in SIDS questions. I can tell
you that it scared a lot of the parents in the newsgroups, and those from
outside of the U.S. are accepting it as dogma.


Lisa A. Marasco, IBCLC
International Board Certified Lactation Consultant
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