Such radical ideas.... How's the soapbox holding up? Need reinforcements??

On the insurance bit, remember a couple of years ago when an LLL Leader from GA
(no, NOT me, although it was my DA) donated $100,000 worth of stock to LLLI? The
money was to go towards encouraging insurance companies to wise up along the
lines you mentioned. I don't know where that ended up.

Hey, on a lighter note. I got my NEW BEGINNINGS today with the LLLI conference
registration today. Looks like it will be a wonderful conference. Being the
conference junkie that I am, and given that I cannot afford to head to Scotsdale
and ILCA this summer and LLL of TN is willing to at least partially fund my way
to Chicago, looks like my biggest problem will be deciding what sessions to
attend. Lots of neat people speaking, including a few from ILCA last summer.
Anybody else heading to Chicago this summer?? Anybody lucky enough to be heading
to Chicago AND Scotsdale??

Suppertime again. Gotta go.