In response to Lindy Fisher's request for research and articles on infant sleep, are you looking for research specific to safe sleep and SIDS, or any research on infant sleep in general? 

My current area of interest is sensory-perceptual-motor learning toward motor control for infant milk-feeding, with a focus on the acquisition of infant breastfeeding skills; the observable skill decay following the use of an artificial nipple and particularly following the early use of an artificial nipple (before consolidation has occurred re: motor memories for latch and effective suckling); and the reacquisition of infant breastfeeding skills.  

A major purpose of sleep is the consolidation of learning toward robust memory for babies, children, adolescents and adults.  The extensive field of infant cognition informs us that babies learn and forget faster than adults, and the younger the infant, the faster the learning and forgetting.  (Kinesiologists define motor forgetting as observable skill decay for a task.)  

Many larger universities with graduate psychology programs have infant learning labs run by leaders in the field, such as:

Back to the topic of sleep and learning, here are some studies on sleep; sleep and learning; infant sleep (especially see 2014 Fattinger et al.); and infant sleep and learning:
Deliens G, Schmitz R, Peigneux P.  Interocular transfer of perceptual skills after sleep.  Journal of Vision 2014;14(1):23, 1-8., DOI:10.1167/14.1.23

Fattinger S, Jenni OG, Schmitt B, Achermann P, Huber R.  Overnight changes in the slope of sleep slow waves during infancy.  Sleep 2014;37(2):245-253.  

Huber R, Born J.  Sleep, synaptic connectivity, and hippocampal memory during early development.  Trends in Cognitive Sciences 2014 Jan 23;18(3):141-152. DOI:10.1016/j.tics.2013.12.005

Albouy G, Fogel S, Pottiez H, Nguyen VA, ray L, Lungu O, Carrier J, Robertson E, Doyon J.  Daytime sleep enhances consolidation of the spatial but not motoric representation of motor sequence memory.  PLoS ONE 2013 Jan;8(1):e52805.  DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0052805

Blumberg MS, Coleman CM, Gerth AI, McMurray B.  Spatiotemporal structure of REM sleep twitching reveals developmental origins of motor synergies.  Current Biology 2013 Nov 4;23(21):2100-9.  DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2013.08.055.  Epub 2013 Oct 17.  

Wilhelm I, Rose M, Imhof KI, Rasch B, Büechel C, Born J.  The sleeping child outplays the adult’s capacity to convert implicit into explicit knowledge.  Nature Neuroscience 2013.  DOI: 10.1038/nn.3343

Arzi A, Shedlesky L, Ben-Shaul M, Nasser K, Oksenberg A, Hairston IS, Sobel N.  Humans can learn new information during sleep.  Nature Neuroscience 15,1460–1465 (2012) DOI:10.1038/nn.3193. Published online 26 August 2012.

Beijers R, de Weerth C.  Solitary sleeping in  young infants is associated with heightened cortisol reactivity to a bathing session but not to a vaccination.  Psychoneuroendocrinology 2012 Feb;37(2):167-177.  DOI: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2011.03.017.  Epub 2011 April 29.

Tarullo AR, Balsam PD, Fifer WP.  Sleep and infant learning.  Infant and Child Development 2011 January;20(1):35-46.  

Weisman O, Magori-Cohen R, Louzoun Y, Eidelman AI, Feldman R.  Sleep-wake transitions in premature neonates predict early development.  Pediatrics 2011;128;706;originally published online September 12, 2011; DOI:10.1542/peds.2011-0047.

Brawn TP, Fenn KM, Nusbaum HC, Margoliash D.  Consolidating the effects of waking and sleep on motor-sequence learning.  Journal of Neuroscience 2010 October 20;30(42):13977-13982.  DOI:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3295-10.2010.

Debas K, Carrier J, Orban P, Barakat M, Lungu O, Vandewalle G, Tahar AH, Bellec P, Karni A, Ungerleider LG, Benali H, Doyon J.  Brain plasticity related to the consolidation of motor sequence learning and motor adaptation. PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in the United States of America) 2010 October 12;107(41):17839-17844.  

Fifer WP, Byrd DL, Kaku M, Eigsti I, Isler JR, Grose-Fifer J, Tarullo AR, Balsam PD.  Newborn infants learn during sleep.  PNAS 2010 June 1;107(22):10320-10323.

Karni A, Ungerleider LG, Benali H, Doyon J.  Brain plasticity related to the consolidation of motor sequence learning and motor adaptation.  PNAS 2010 October 12;107(41):17839-17844.  

Aton S, Seibt J, Dumoulin M, Jha SK, Steinmetz N, Coleman T, Naidoo N, Frank MG.  Mechanisms of sleep-dependent consolidation of cortical plasticity.  Neuron 2009 February 12;61(3):454-466.  doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2009.01.007.  

Diekelmann S, Wilhelm I, Born J.  The whats and whens of sleep-dependent memory consolidation.  Sleep Medicine Reviews 2009 Oct;13(5):309-321.  DOI: 10.1016/j.smrv.2008.08.002.  Epub 2009 Feb 28.  

Fischer S, Born J. Anticipated reward enhances offline learning during sleep.  Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, Vol 35(6), Nov 2009, 1586-1593. DOI: 10.1037/a0017256 

Miano S, PiaVilla M, Blanco D, Zamora E, Rodriguez R, Ferri R, Bruni O, Peraita-Adrados R. Development of NREM Sleep Instability-Continuity (Cyclic Alternating Pattern) in Healthy Term Infants Aged 1 to 4 months.  Sleep 2009 Jan 1; 32(1): 83–90. PMCID: PMC2625327

Stickgold R.  How do I remember?  Let me count the ways.  Sleep Medicine Review 2009 October;13(5):305-308; DOI:10.1016/j.smrv.2009.05.004.

Moroni F, Nobili L, Curcio G, De Carli F, Tempesta D, Marzano C, De Gennaro L, Mai R, Francione S, Russo GL, Ferrara M.  Procedural learning and sleep hippocampal low frequencies in humans.  Neuroimage 2008 August 15;42(2):911-918.  

Korman M, Doyon J, Doljansky D, Carrier J, Dagan Y, Karni A.  Daytime sleep condenses the time course of motor memory consolidation.  Nature Neuroscience 2007 Sep;10(9):1206-1213.  Epub 2007 August 12.  DOI:10.1038/nn1959

Stickgold R, Walker MP.  Sleep-dependent memory consolidation and reconsolidation.  Sleep Medicine 2007 June;8(4):331-343.  doi:10.1016/j.sleep.2007.03.011.

Tamaki M, Nittono H, Hori T.  Efficacy of overnight sleep for a newly acquired visuomotor skill.  Sleep and Biological Rhythms 2007;5:111-116.  DOI:10.1111/j.1479-8425.2007.00260.x.

Walker MP, Stickgold R.  Sleep, memory, and plasticity.  Annual Review of Psychology 2006;57:139-166.

Fischer S, Nitschke MF, Melchert UH, Erdmann C, Born J.  Motor memory consolidation in sleep shapes more effective neuronal representations.  The Journal of Neuroscience 2005 December 7;25(49):11248-11255.   

Maquet P, Schwartz S, Passingam R, Frith C.  Sleep-related consolidation of a visuomotor skill: Brain mechanisms as assessed by functional magnetic resonance imaging.  The Journal of Neuroscience 2003 February 15;23(4):1432-1440.  

Frank MG, Heller HC.  The ontogeny of mammalian sleep: a reappraisal of alternative hypotheses.  Journal of Sleep Research 2003;12:25-34.  

Walker MP, Brakefield T, Morgan A, Hobson JA, Stickgold R.  Practice with sleep makes perfect:  Sleep-dependent motor skill learning.  Neuron 2002 July 3;35:205-211.  


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