Dear Karen and Laurie,

Thank you both for your suggestions.  Mom was going to try getting back to
co-sleeping (hasn't done it r/t waterbed) and using the sling she had
specially made.  She appreciated the suggestions! (as do I)

Thanks too for the "anecdotal" Karen; it validated one of my own.  Mom got
herself onto Domperidone almost right away.  I've watched her in our support
groups and she is very quick to respond to baby's hunger cues.  Baby does
seem to nurse efficiently, but it has definitely changed since the last
support group--and boy! does she get easily distracted!  (Baby, not mom.)
The sleeping all night was not a one time event, but was the longest.  Mom
detests pumping, and I think she had ceased when she went exclusively to
breast and not EBM, but will have to check tonight on that.

I agree the overall weight gain is within reason, and have reassured with
that, but know it will help when I tell her you said it as well.  My hope is
that baby will do a huge weight spike as she has done in the past.

So after reading your comments, I'm thinking she is going to have to remain
pumping in one form or another for the duration (we'll see about the
tongue--she made an appointment already) as well as on Dom?

On behalf of mother and myself, thank you once again,


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