I have to chuckle over this thread because in the last week, two of the
ladies who were in a recent breastfeeding class (which I taught, and
generally teach the same information, the same way) had their babies. One did
well, one did not so well, but does have good potential. Funny how two people
in the same room heard different things or heard them a different way. My
colleague and co-worker wisely pointed out to me that it is very interesting
as to why and how that happens. (and who knows that? ;-)) We see the same
thing when women come in to have their baby. "Oh, I've taken a class" and
they think they know what to do. But sometimes the outcome,  and the path the
body takes, diverges a bit from what was learned (or absorbed?) in class.
Food for thought? No recipe for success?
Mary Kay Smith, IBCLC
Romeoville IL
who still prefers to think of LCs as part of the solution and will keep

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