From: Midwifery Today E-News
>To: [log in to unmask]
In Volume 2 Issue 15 April 14, 2000

Midwives, here's a trick to help new mothers breastfeed successfully:
>Breast pressure during feeding enhances milk flow, helps empty clogged
> >ducts and makes more high calorie hindmilk available to the baby. Once
>the >baby has latched well, pay attention to her pauses in suckling. When
>she >pauses, gently press your fingertips against the milk-producing glands
> >located in the upper outer quadrant of your breast, near your underarm.
>You >will notice a burst of suckling as milk is pressed toward the milk
>sinuses >and into the baby's mouth. If the baby pauses again, rotate the
>position of >your fingertips and press another quadrant of your breast. Be
>careful not >to press too close to your areola as this can interfere with
>your baby's >latch.
>Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Newborn, Penny Simkin, Janet Whalley, Ann
> >Keppler, 1991, Meadowbrook Press

Laurie Wheeler, RN, MN, IBCLC
Violet Louisiana, s.e. USA

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