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Lactation Information and Discussion <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 23 May 1998 11:22:24 EDT
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Lactation Information and Discussion <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (38 lines)
Just to fill you all in:  Talked with lactation consultant at the hospital
where the parents brought their 6 week old infant into the ER, DOA.  Got the
facts because the mother is a FRIEND of this lactation consultant.  Infant was
a 34 weeker, who stayed 3 weeks in the hospital and did well.  Mom pumped
while baby was in the hospital and provided EBM to nurses.  This was moms
second preterm baby.  First also did well and breastfed.  Baby went home after
3 weeks, nursing very well, according to lactation consultant.  Last Sunday,
mom was breastfeeding at 12:30a.m. in bed.  Dad had fallen asleep on couch and
woke up.  Came into room and saw baby actively nursing.  Took a shower.  Said
he came back to bed 15-20 minutes later.  Baby was not nursing.  Just lying
next to mom.  Thought he would put baby in basinett and when he turned baby
over there was blood coming out of the   baby's mouth and no respirations.
Baby limp.  Called 911 and started CPR.  Firestation is right around corner so
quick response time by  paramedics.  They intubated baby (a little too large
ET tube was used) and rushed infant to hospital full siren.  Baby coded x2 on
way to city hospital, but had a heart beat upon arrival. They stabilized
infant and sent baby by ambulance, intubated, full siren, to Childrens
Hospital 20 miles away.  Baby coded x2 in ambulance on way there.  Upon
arrival to Children's, EEG done showed no brain activity.  Parents stopped all
resusitative efforts and baby died.  Now, the lactation consultant said
neither mom or dad said anything about smothering infant or rolling over on
infant.  Docs don't think it was SIDS because of blood coming from mouth,
although with anoxia tissues swell and could burst (?) which could explain the
blood coming from mouth(?),  Anyway, autopsy is beind done and LC said she
would call me with results.  She knows this mother well.  Non drinker, non
smoker, no drugs.  Does have large breasts, but LC says she is certain this
mom did not roll over on her baby.  Next day, LC is in hospital nursery when
doc comes up to her and says "Did you hear a 6 weeker came into ER DOA that
mom had rolled over onto?"  LC says to doc "You must not say that.  You don't
know the facts.  I know this woman.  She is my friend (they go to same church)
and you shouldn't be saying that without knowing the facts".  Well, I told LC
that rumor had reached our hospital 20 miles away from hers.  And a doctor was
the one you mentioned it in our OR during a case.  He also delivers at her
hospital.  SO.............I will let you know as soon as I hear the results of
the autopsy.  Unfortunately, there are no winners in this case.  My heart goes
out to these parents.  I lost one of my twins at birth and it takes a long
time to learn to laugh again.  Loni Denman