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Lactation Information and Discussion <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 20 Aug 2010 06:43:41 +0300
Lactation Information and Discussion <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain; CHARSET=US-ASCII
Esther Grunis <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (204 lines)

You might be a lactivist if...

.                     You read every article on breastfeeding you come
across. Even if you already know everything it says. Maybe even if you've
read it before. You can't help it, you have to read them and your
significant other is likely going to get an earful about what you read
regardless if the tone of the article was positive or negative.

.                     You don't flinch, blush or feel even a little awkward
with words like "breast," "boobs," "nipple," "areola," "bra," etc. Around
anyone, ever. You may not even care where you say them. It is common to say
them often.

.                     You have to resist the urge to applaud a woman
breastfeeding in public. Or smile broadly at her while staring. Or hug her.
Or point her out to, oh, everyone. Or stalk her, just a little.

.                     Little gets you hotter than another story in the news
about a woman and her baby being asked to leave an establishment while
breastfeeding or invited to breastfeed in the bathroom. Seriously, the
bathroom? It's been said before but you'll say it again; would YOU want to
eat in the bathroom? Didn't think so. What is wrong with people having an
issue with a baby eating? You will go on and on and on about this to anyone
willing to listen and sometimes, even those that aren't.

.                     Talking with someone that has just had a baby you
don't hesitate to ask "how's breastfeeding going?" You don't actually know
if they are breastfeeding but you assume they are. And if things aren't
going well you're ready to spring into action to help. Your baby gift is a
pair of the softest reusable breast pads, a tube of lanolin, a water bottle
and a boppy.

.                     The idea of someone touching your breast or you
touching someone else's breast to assist with breastfeeding a newborn is
like, so whatever. Since that's what b@@bs are for, it's no big deal any
more. You might even forget that it still is a big deal for others and
inadvertently make new moms uncomfortable. Got to work on that.

.                     You have downloaded and printed or purchased "Thank
you for breastfeeding in public" cards to hand out to breastfeeding moms you
spot while out and about. And you use them too. There are some in your
purse, your glove box, your diaper bag, the back pocket of your jeans, and
your kids backpack. You consider it a good day if you got to hand out a few
at the mall.

.                     There are at least 2 Facebook groups you follow about
breastfeeding and Twitter too. Maybe even a forum or two. You check often
and share lots of links and stories. Reading the stories others post there
is addicting and before you know it you've spent hours reading about
breastfeeding. All for the cause, all for the cause.

.                     You get home from a trip to the zoo and post on a
FaceBook wall how many women you saw NIP while you were out. Probably on one
of those pages but maybe even your own private Facebook. This doesn't seem
strange to you at all, after all, how else are we going to normalize
breastfeeding? Seeing mothers NIP should be celebrated, you're just doing
your part. Nothing crazy about that!

.                     You have taken pictures of yourself breastfeeding. Or
had your partner or older child snap a few for you. It's real serious if
you've had a breastfeeding sitting with a professional photographer. Is it
framed and on your wall? Is there a piece of breastfeeding art, photograph
or other, that isn't of you? Why not, right? It's beautiful and natural. In
fact, you probably have more pictures of you breastfeeding, most likely of
just your chest, arm and little one, than of you actually looking at the
camera or doing any thing else.

.                     You have shared pictures of yourself breastfeeding
online. On those groups or forums. Or your own blog. Even better if it's
your profile image on a social networking site or discussion board. You're a
proud breastfeeder! Breastfeeding is not obscene Facebook! You probably even
"liked" the Facebook page that says that.

.                     You know what the World Breastfeeding Symbol is and
you have used it either online or in real life. Do you have a bag or shirt
with it? Does your baby? A car decal? Or is it part of your profile pic?
Yeah? You've got it bad baby. If you ever happen to see the symbol in a
business you'll probably hug the shop owner.

.                     You know when World Breastfeeding Week is and you get
a little giddy when it rolls around every year. Events are planned,
give-aways are entered, and lactation cookies are baked. You know what
organization is doing what, where and when and you plan on being there. That
is, if you didn't organize it yourself. You probably even got a special
shirt for the occasion. Maybe even learned a dance.

.                     You don't like Nestle and avoid buying Nestle
products. Even if your favorite candy is Butterfinger. The fact that the
BlogHer conference was sponsored by Nestle really bothered you and you even
asked your favorite blogger how they could participate. When Halloween rolls
around you debate digging through the kid's loot to find the Nestle products
and throw them away. Except for the Butterfingers, you eat those
rationalizing that at least you didn't pay for them.

.                     Covering for breastfeeding to you means making sure
your belly, back and sides are covered but you don't worry about who may
catch a brief glimpse of a little b@@b. In fact, you have mixed feelings
about breastfeeding covers. Whatever helps a woman feed her baby is great
but should we be hiding breastfeeding? It's complicated and you're just
happy for breastfeeding in public at all. Personally, you just don't want
your flab showing.

.                     Breastfeeding past a year is normal, passed 2 common
and over 3 no biggie.It's the people that have a problem with it that are
weird. You know that the global average age for weaning is age 4 so people
just need to get over themselves since breastmilk doesn't suddenly turn to
water after a certain age. It's not like there is an expiration date on
breastfeeding, sheesh.

.                     The  <> Kelly Mom,
<> Best for Babes,  <>
Dr. Jack Newman,  <> La Leche League, and other
breastfeeding websites are bookmarked on your computer. You also have a
considerable breastfeeding library which you loan out often. In fact, you
bought several copies of your favorite breastfeeding book to have on hand to
give to new moms. You do so with excitement and a list of those websites and
don't even notice your partner throwing a breastfeeding-cover-apron-thingy
over his head while you jabber on excitedly. When you do notice you give him
a "Thank you for NIP" card.

.                     You can name at least 3 celebrities that breastfed.
You might even know how many kids and how long they breastfed. But you're
not sure what movies or TV shows they are from and maybe have never even
seen them in anything or know why they are even celebrities at all.

.                     Science comes out with new information that
breastfeeding has "new" health benefits for mom and/or baby and you say
"duh." The information is good to know, you're glad they've done research
but it just seems kind of obvious that feeding as nature intended would be a
good thing, right?

.                     You meet someone for the first time in a
non-breastfeeding related environment and you somehow are talking about
breastfeeding within 20 minutes. You know if they were breastfed, if they
did or intend to breastfeed, how long, what they've read, if they are aware
of your favorite breastfeeding resources, etc. Later you may not remember
their name but you'll be able to confidently greet them with "You breastfed
your youngest for 16 months, of course I remember you!" This applies to men

.                     You think maybe Gisele was on to something. Even if
you don't exactly agree with what she said or that it could even happen you
can totally understand it and even secretly wish it was possible. You're
cautious about saying that anywhere but can't help wonder "what if...?"

.                     The phrases "if breastfeeding offends you put a
blanket over your head" and "if breastfeeding is sexual then a bottle is a
dildo" make you laugh and you really, really want to share them somewhere.
You probably have too. And you know more and have come up with a few of your
own. They are what go through your head when having conversations with
anti-breastfeeding types. Sometimes they even come flying out of your mouth.

.                     Your children think feeding babies with bottles is
weird. In their minds the only reason to do so is because something is wrong
or the mother is unavailable and then it would be expressed breastmilk. They
may not even know what formula is.

.                     It is strange that you haven't typed or said
"breastfeeding" in one full day.Woah, how did that happen? You must have
been sick.

.                     Out on a date your partner asks if you could talk
about something other than breastfeeding for a little bit. Whether you were
talking about you breastfeeding, someone else breastfeeding, breastfeeding
in the news, or something else, you didn't even realize you were until he
asked to change the subject. It just seemed... normal.

.                     You want to replace the slogan "breast is best" with
"breast is normal." You've thought long and hard about this and you're ready
to change the world. Breastfeeding is normal!

.                     After reading an online article about breastfeeding in
public harassment incidents, you read through the comments and respond to
every uneducated reply posted. You only walk away after you realize your
blood pressure is through the roof. And in search of some chocolate.

Esther Grunis

Tel Aviv, Israel


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