Are the lymph nodes still swollen? What cultures have been done? MRI?
Glactocelle drained by needle aspiration?
This case presented as a "plugged duct"? But a plugged duct usually does
not cause swollen lymph nodes and a golf ball size involvement, this would
be very atypical. Then if took another week for a low grade fever to appear?
Even when a patient has swollen lymph nodes with a masitis, that is the
first symptom to dissipate with treatment, (usually with in 24 hours of
starting meds). If mom does not think she is better, then I don't care
what the NP says--She needs more help. Do not let this woman's hx with
depression stop people from taking her and her symptoms seriously!! Do you
have breast specialists in your area? The last time I sent a woman to one
with an odd case with a lot of the same symptoms to a breast center they did
not feel that the original ultrasounds were "stable" and she was diagnosed
with cancer 3 hours later. Baby refusing breast also a big deal-- is
refusal only on the affected side or both?
Sincerely, and love to hear what happens--Marna
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